Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Priest (2011) Review


In as few words as possible this film is all over the place. It never bothers to create a coherent storyline or introduces new characters effectively

The main character in the film has no real name. He is simply called Priest (Paul Bettany). Set in what I assume is a post-apocalyptic future; Priest tells the story of a man who defies the church by going after the vampires who have abducted his niece. He sets off on a journey with a trigger-happy sheriff whose name I cannot recall. Haggis maybe? The bad guy is a self-referred human vampire. In fact he's the only one of the vampires who can be in daylight and doesn't look like sausage skin filled with gelatin. As far as the story, it moves so fast that I found it difficult to keep up. Eventually I started asking, "Who's that guy?" Additionally I must say that vampires are really not PG-13 material. I really wish the filmmakers had gone all the way to an R rating instead of simply playing it safe.

The best sequence is in the beginning where we see an animated prologue. That was a lot of fun. That's only the first ten minutes.

The film is based on a popular Manga series, which you are supposed to read backwards. I can't help but think that if I had watched the film backwards it might make more sense.

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