Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Hottie And The Nottie (2008) Review

 Every fiber of my being told me to not watch it but I wanted to see if it's as bad as I heard it was.  It's worse...Sometimes I'll watch a movie just to see how much worse it can get.  I don't see how much worse it could get then the shallow, pretentious, sickening thing I just witnessed.

The movie is about...You know what? I'm just going to cut and paste the "plot" from IMDB...I don't agree with it but here it is:

"Nate moves to L.A. to track down Cristabel, the woman he's been in love with since childhood, only to discover that his plan to woo her only has one hurdle to overcome: what to do with June, Cristabel's ever-present, not-so-hot best friend? What's even more complicating is Nate's growing feelings for June, whose true beauty starts to emerge"

See what I mean? It's deplorable that anyone would green light this trash...Cristabel is played by the outlandishly stupid Paris Hilton. Her first scene references something out of 10 where she is running on a beach, in slow motion, in a scantily clad outfit.  There are many things that Paris Hilton is, some of them I won't say because I'm too much of a gentlemen, but actress is not one of them and, while I'm at it, the word "movie" seems to be just as inapt when referring to this as saying she is an actress.

The characters are so obsessed with outer looks that they even have mathematical formula to prove that the “hotness of one girl is directly proportional to the ugliness of her best friend”.  I fear for the young kids who will undoubtedly see this...It makes an attempt (and I use that term loosely) to say that beauty is on the inside. Nate falls for June but only after she has plastic surgery.  It makes me absolutely sick at how the character of June is treated by everyone else in the movie. Supposedly humiliating ugly people is funny.

I write this review as a public service.  Let me save ninety minutes of your life.

Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go shower to try and get clean after this.

Zero Stars

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